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    SKU Scale Description Price Status
1. 489-412000 Z Micro-Trains - Z Scale - Wheel Sets - 950 - Standard - 33 inch Diameter - Black - 12 pack - 489-00412000 $10.70 US Add to Cart
2. 489-412001 Z Micro-Trains - Z Scale - Wheel Sets - 957 - Passenger Car - 36 inch Diameter - Black - 12 pack - 489-00412001 $10.70 US Add to Cart
3. 489-412002 Z Micro-Trains - Z Scale - Wheel Sets - Standard - 33" inch Diameter - Brown - 12 pack - 489-00412002 $10.70 US Add to Cart
4. 489-412003 Z Micro-Trains - Z Scale - Wheel Sets - Standard - 33 inch Diameter - Brown - 48 pack - 489-00412003 TBA Add to Cart
5. 489-412004 Z Micro-Trains - Z Scale - Wheel Sets - Standard - 33 inch Diameter 1 Brown - 100 pack 489-00412004 TBA Add to Cart
6. 489-49943998 Z Micro-Trains - Z Scale - Palletized 50 ft. Lumber Load 2-Pack (Jul 2013) $9.95 US Add to Cart
7. 489-79900103 Z Micro-Trains - Z Scale - Accessories - Union Pacific ArroWedge - #948001 - Grey with Yellow Stripe (Jan 2024) $24.95 US Add to Cart
8. 489-79943232 Z Micro-Trains - Z Scale - 60' Flatcar Weathered Decks - 4-Pack (Mar 2023) $14.95 US Add to Cart
9. 489-79943901 Z Micro-Trains - Z scale - Load - Scrap Iron - 50' Gondola - 3 pack (Aug 2006) $11.95 US Add to Cart
10. 489-79943903 Z Micro-Trains - Z Scale - Load - Scrap Iron # 2 - 50' Gondola - 3 pack (Mar 2007) $12.55 US Add to Cart
11. 489-79943904 Z Micro-Trains - Z Scale - Load - Telephone Poles - 3 pack (Nov 2006) $11.95 US Add to Cart
12. 489-79943906 Z Micro-Trains - Z Scale - Load - Pulpwood #1 - 3 pack (Apr 2007) $12.55 US Add to Cart
13. 489-79943908 Z Micro-Trains - Z Scale - Load - Army Tanks - Covered - 3 pack (7 left) (Jul 2007) $12.55 US Add to Cart
14. 489-79943909 Z Micro-Trains - Z Scale - Load - Tall Logs - 50' Gondola - 3 pack (Aug 2007) $12.55 US Add to Cart
15. 489-79943911 Z Micro-Trains - Z Scale - Load - Stone - 50' Gondola - 3 pack (Oct 2007) $12.55 US Add to Cart
16. 489-79943912 Z Micro-Trains - Z Scale - Load - Plywood # 1 & # 2 - 60' Bulkhead Flat Car - 4 pack $12.55 US Add to Cart
17. 489-79943913 Z Micro-Trains - Z Scale - Load - Army Tanks - 3 pack - (January 2008) (2 left) $12.55 US Add to Cart
18. 489-79943914 Z Micro-Trains - Z Scale - Load - Logs - 40' - 3 pack - 0ne each of 3 different loads (Feb 2008) $12.55 US Add to Cart
19. 489-79943915 Z Micro-Trains - Z Scale - Load - Interior Freight # 2 - 2 pack (Mar 2008) $8.95 US Add to Cart
20. 489-79943916 Z Micro-Trains - Z Scale - Load - Interior Freight # 3 - 3 pack (Apr 2008) $12.55 US Add to Cart
21. 489-79943918 Z Micro-Trains - Z Scale - Load - Gravel - 50' Gondola - 3 pack (Jul 2008) $12.55 US Add to Cart
22. 489-79943919 Z Micro-Trains - Z Scale - Load - Covered Plywood - 60' Bulkhead Flat - 3 pack.- (September 2008) $12.55 US Add to Cart
23. 489-79943925 Z Micro-Trains - Z Scale - Load - Rail - 50 ft Gondola - 2 pack (Dec 2009) $8.95 US Add to Cart
24. 489-79943926 Z Micro-Trains - Z Scale - Load - Scrap Iron - 50' - 2 pack (Feb 2010) $8.95 US Add to Cart
25. 489-79943928 Z Micro-Trains - Z Scale - Load - Zinc Ingots - 50 ft Gondola - 2 pack.- (July 2010) $8.95 US Add to Cart
26. 489-79943944 Z Micro-Trains - Z Scale - Bulkhead Lumber Load 2-Pack (Jul 2012) $9.95 US Add to Cart
27. 489-79943946 Z Micro-Trains - Z scale - Load - BH Lumber Load - 2pack (Nov 2012) $9.95 US Add to Cart
28. 489-79943951 Z Micro-Trains - Z Scale - 50 ft. Gondola Spool Load #2 (For 50' Gondolas) 2-Pack (Oct 2013) $9.95 US Add to Cart
29. 489-79975923 Z Micro-Trains (MRC / JTT) - Z Scale - Trees - Snow Gum 1" Professional - (6pk) (Jan 2012) $14.95 US Add to Cart
30. 489-98409002 Z Micro-Trains -N & Z Scale - Modeling Accessory - Plastic Box (Medium) - for N & Z - 1 two-piece box (6.75"x 2"x 1.25") $2.75 US Add to Cart
31. 489-98800032 Z Micro-Trains - Z & Nn3 Scale - Modeling Accessory - Height Gauge (920) $15.40 US Add to Cart
32. 489-98800211 Z Micro-Trains - Z Scale - Uncoupler - Permanent Magnet Uncoupler - Under the ties - 2 pieces $8.60 US Add to Cart
33. 489-98800222 Z Micro-Trains - Z Scale - Modeling Accessory - Rerailer Ramp - Z & Nn3 scales $3.50 US Add to Cart
34. 489-99040101 Z Micro-Trains - Z Scale - Micro Track 12 Piece "Starter Oval" Set (Aug 2005) $35.65 US Add to Cart
35. 489-99040102 Z Micro-Trains - Z Scale - Micro Track Expansion Set (20 pieces) (Jun 2015) $101.25 US Add to Cart
36. 489-99040901 Z MicroTrains - Z scale--Flex Track, 10 track sections & 24 rail joiners $40.95 US Add to Cart
37. 489-99040902 Z Micro-Trains - Z Scale - Micro Track - 110 mm, Straight (12 Pack) (Jun 2015) $33.30 US Add to Cart
38. 489-99040903 Z Micro-Trains - Z Scale - Micro Track - R 195 mm, 30 Degree Curved (12 Pack) (Jun 2015) $36.70 US Add to Cart
39. 489-99040904 Z Micro-Trains - Z Scale - Micro Track - R 195 mm, 45 Degree Curved (12 Pack) (Dec 2014) $36.70 US Add to Cart
40. 489-99040905 Z Micro-Trains - Z Scale - Micro Track - 110 mm Straight w/Electrical Clips & Wire (Sep 2005) $9.00 US Add to Cart
41. 489-99040908 Z Micro-Trains - Z Scale - Micro Track Roadbed Joiners (24 ea.) $6.90 US Add to Cart
42. 489-99040909 Z Micro-Trains - Z scale - Mirco Track Rail Joiners (24 ea.) $6.90 US Add to Cart
43. 489-99040910 Z MTL Z Micro-Track--manual left hand r 490 mm turnout,w/13 degree transition track & 110 mm straight (October 2006 release) (Oct 2006) $39.80 US Add to Cart
44. 489-99040911 Z MTL Z--Micro-Track--manual right hand r 490mm turnout,w/13 degree transition track & 110 mm straight (October 2006 release) (Oct 2006) $39.80 US Add to Cart
45. 489-99040912 Z Micro-Trains - Z Scale - Micro Track - R 490 mm, 13 Degree Curved (12 pack) $36.70 US Add to Cart
46. 489-99040913 Z Micro-Trains - Z Scale - Micro Track - R 220 mm, 45 Degree Curved (12 pack) (Jul 2007) $33.35 US Add to Cart
47. 489-99040914 Z MTL Z Micro-Track--Remote turnout left hand r 490 mm turnout,w/13 degree transition track & 110 mm straight (Jun 2007) $47.50 US Add to Cart
48. 489-99040915 Z MTL Z Micro-Track--Remote Turnout-- right hand r 490mm turnout,w/13 degree transition track & 110 mm straight (Jun 2007) $40.75 US Add to Cart
49. 489-99040916 Z M/T - Z Scale - Micro Track L/R Turnout Power Adapters (4 pack) (Aug 2008) $39.80 US Add to Cart
50. 489-99040917 Z M/T - Z Scale - Micro Track - 220 mm, straight 12 pack (Mar 2008) $39.80 US Add to Cart
51. 489-99040951 Z Micro-Trains - Z Scale - Micro Track - 80 ft. Through-Plate Girder Bridge with Gray Sides (Dec 2011) $10.45 US Add to Cart
52. 489-99040955 Z Micro-Trains - Z Scale - Micro Track - 80 ft. Through-Plate Girder Bridge - Pennsylvania Railroad (PRR) - Black with White Pennsylvania Hearld (Sep 2011) $13.80 US Add to Cart
53. 489-99513000 Z Micro-Trains - Z Scale - Power Pack - MRC 1300 with STOP at Maximum Z Power $86.65 US Add to Cart
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