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Jan 28, 2021 - Z Scale

Micro-Trains - Z Scale - February Announcements!

Z Scale

Dear Z Scale Customers,

Grab the new releases from Micro-Trains for February!


Micro-Trains - Z Scale - Sweet Liquid Tank Car Series - Car 01 - 39 ft Single Dome Tank Car - Bee Hive Corn Syrup - St. Lawrence Starch Co. LTD. S.A.L.X (Port Credit Ontario) - # 49104 - Yellow and Blue 

Special food-grade tank cars have been used to transport a variety of sweet concentrates from distribution centers to factories all over the United States. Commodities such as corn syrup, cane syrup, honey, molasses and others were commonly shipped in bulk by rail in heated tank cars to processing plants, chocolate factories, breweries and soft drink factories. Sometimes adorned by bright and flashy artwork, they were colorful “stand-outs” in any manifest freight train. This Sweet Liquid Tank Car Series will feature twelve prototypically accurate 39’ Single Dome Tank Cars!


Orders were already taken September 2020, if you missed your chance, place your orders now! We will have a limited amount for the shelf!

Looking for the rest of the Sweet Liquid Tank Car Series? Click Here!





Micro-Trains - N Scale - 50 ft Plug Door Box Car - Micro-Mouse Valentine’s Day - Side A "I work with Models" Side B "Happy Valentines Day"



Looking for more Micro-Trains Rolling Stock In Stock Now? Click Here!

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