Union Pacific - As Delivered
Inspired by Union Pacific’s examination of Missouri Pacific’s shop-built bay-window cabooses, the CA-11 represents the last newly-built caboose ordered by the Union Pacific. Not having to climb ladders into a cupola, having features like an ice box, National Swing Motion trucks, and cushioned couplers, the ride was compared to the best passenger cars in term of crew comfort.
Union Pacific – Snowbus
Union Pacific modified a total of five CA-11 cabooses to serve as ‘Snowbuses’. Two of these had their porches fully enclosed for this assignment. These cars were equipped with MU and signal hoses as they were positioned in the middle of back to back locomotives which amounted to the entire train. The Snowbus would ferry crews to locations otherwise unreachable in the worse weather. Recently, 25809 was included in 2023’s Big Boy #4014 excursion train.
Idaho Northern & Pacific
Union Pacific began selling off low-traffic branches in the late ‘80s. The INPR was formed to continue service in Eastern Oregon and the Western edge of Idaho, interchanging with the Union Pacific. They acquired three ex-up CA-11a cabooses for their operations in the early 1990s.
As more trains exceeded Plate C dimensions with taller and taller cars, the caboose cupola became ineffective for watching over a train. By borrowing another railroads caboose, Union Pacific found that bay-windows provided better train visibility, were safer, and more comfortable to ride in than a cupola. They placed an order for 100 cabooses with International Car Company for a new class of caboose being delivered in 1979. Large protected end porches, 70-ton National Swing Motion trucks, elevated toolboxes, oil-fired heat, and hydraulic coupler cushioning were some of the new features that made these crew favorites.
A single CA-12 prototype was created with comfort and safety improvements. However the order was cancelled as UP inherited recently-built Rock Island cabooses (CA-13). UP modified the CA-11 fleet with many of these features creating a sub-class of the CA-11. Additional unique modifications were made to these iconic cabooses as they were no longer needed for regular train service, several of which Athearn has created detailed versions.
Order Due Date: April 26, 2024
Anticipated Delivery Date: September 2025
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