Dear N Scale Customers:
NSC 5431 cu ft covered hoppers
We've received painted Samples of our NSC 5431 cuft 3 Bay Hoppers, check out this video review posted by Southern Alberta Rail of the cars in action (Click Here!)
This means that with the final order in at the factory, we will be unable to order more. We have ordered just a few extra of each model so if you haven't ordered yours but would still like one order yours today! These will not last long and will sell out!
Our factory has finished painting all of the car bodies and is preparing for printing - see photos. For those who do not know, our factory celebrates the Lunar New Year in China and they will be off of work from January 20th to February 24th. The printing and assembly will be done after the employees return from their Holiday.
We expect these to ship in April. A little later than we had hoped but the production started later and thus the entire timeline was pushed back by 3 months.
In the Meantime, enjoy this video from Southern Alberta Rail of the cars in action (Click Here!)
HST 4550 cylindrical covered hoppers
For those who do not know we made a tooling upgrade and changed the truck mounted couplers to body-mounted couplers.
We also lowered the ride height to remove the air gap on these cars. First samples are due before the team in China goes on Holidays.
MIL 4550 cylindrical covered hoppers
We are also expecting first samples of these at the same time as the HST samples. We will be torture testing these to make sure they meet our expectations (and yours).
We expect both the Marine Industries and Hawker Siddeley 4550 cylindrical hoppers to complete production in May.
Below are images of painted shells being readied for production.