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Jun 17, 2011 - N Scale

North American Railcar - To Announce New Paint Scheme For Hawker Siddley - Saskatchewan Grain Cars


Hi gang, Guk here.  In case you don't know me I am the supper great guy who "works" for PWRS and who has been know to spill the beans on new pruducts and get into a little trouble from time to time.  In case you have been wondering where I have been for the last several months.  Well, I have been attenting a really cool boarding school in  Northwestern Ontario.  It has a realy cool name -  "The Ontario School For Wayward and Incoragible Boys".   Any way so much for what I have been doing.

     Yesterday I overheard The Boss talking to the "Big Guy" at Saskatchewan Grain Car Corp.  They were talking about a new paint scheme for those fantastinc green Hawker Siddeley grain hoppers.  The Boss seemed really excited about having pictures for the NMRA show and convention in Sacramento next month. 

Rumor is that there are 45 new cars being painted with Canadian Pacific Assigned Reporting Marks SHPX. And 15 new cars painted with Canadian National Reporting Marks SKNX.

      Above is the old paint scheme.  If you want to see the new paint scheme come and see us at booth # 180 (just to the left as you come in the main entrance) at the NMRA Show in Sacramento CA next month.  See you there.

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