Below are samples of the artwork for the first release of this car. While we have been very diligent in reviewing the schemes to ensure they are accurate, we are open to your suggestions as to how they could be improved. Below each artwork sample, there is a link to a page with more detailed information about both the prototype car and the model we are producing. We have also included a chart below detailing how these cars have historically been operated together.
North American Railcar Corporation is proud to announce the final artwork for our first release of 4000cf Coal Gondolas. Since we announced this model at the NMRA convention last summer, we have added several additional schemes for this car. Interest in and orders of this model have been strong across the board.
As the orders have added up, it is clear demand for this car will be high. With so many orders, it is also clear that producing all of the announced schemes in a single release would be difficult. So for the first release of this car, North American Railcar Corporation will produce the the schemes used by the original operators of this car, as well as those used by Canadian Pacific. These cars will be in as delivered schemes.
In future releases, we will produce the secondary owner/operator schemes already announced, along with later versions of the schemes used by the original owners.
As with the prototype cars, we are producing several versions of this car in both HO & N Scale. While similar in appearance and basic design, each variation is important as it tells the story of the car. Where and who the car was built by, who originally ordered them and who uses them now can all be told by the version the particular car is. That is why we have spent the time to develop these versions and why we are providing the information modelers need to operate these cars in prototypical fashion.
BC Rail Cars
BC Rail (BCNE/CN) Double Rotary
Canadian National Cars
Canadian National 199XXX Series
Canadian National (ex-Ontario Hydro) 197XXX Series
Canadian National (ex-Ontario Hydro) Double Rotary 197XXX Series
Canadian National (ex-Procor Placard)
Canadian National (ex-Procor Word Mark)
Canadian Pacific Cars
Canadian Pacific (ex-Procor Placard) Tie Load Car 429XXX Series
Canadian Pacific (ex-Procor Placard) Scrap Load Car 376XXX Series
Procor Cars
Sultran Cars
Sultran (2 lines Of Capacity Text)
Sultran (3 lines Of Capacity Text)
(Click on Chart for larger image)
"Accuracy & Detail, In Scale"
All cars will feature:
Reservations Are Open
Expected Delivery January 2013