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MTH - G Scale - Lionel Corp. 332 Series Baggage Car - Jersey Central (CNJ) (Blue Comet) #332 Barnard (2-Tone Blue) (SKU 507-1140059)

Available On: April 1, 2013


Tinplate passenger trains - faithfully re-created from stamped metal components - and generally boasting bright, colorful enamel paint are not meant to be accurate reproductions of real trains. The attractive liveries found on the 2007 300 passenger sets are an excellent example of how color and realism can be mixed together in the tinplate category. Regardless of the deco scheme, these cars match their original counterparts from the early 20th Century detail for detail, feature for feature.


• Baked Enamel Finish
• Stamped Steel Body and Chassis
• Metal Wheels and Axles
• Operating Metal Latch Couplers
• Unit Measures:14 1/2" x 3 1/8" x 5"
• Operates On STD-42 Curves

$129.95 US