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MTH - HO Scale - ScaleTrax 9-in Straight Code 83 Track - 6 Pack (SKU 507-801002)

Available On: January 1, 2014


ScaleTrax by MTH Electric Trains is the ultimate track layout solution for which detail-oriented scale HO model railroaders are searching.

Each ScaleTrax track section features two solid extruded authentically profiled Nickel Silver rails each affixed to accurately sized and spaced track ties.

Whether assembling your first layout, adding to a present layout, or replacing your old track, ScaleTraxT is the most rugged, realistic, scale proportioned, easy-to-use HO track system available.


• Fully Assembled
• Durable, Detailed Built-In Roadbed
• Easy, Snap-In Roadbed Connectors
• Solid Nickel Silver Rails

$8.50 US