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MTH - Premier - O Scale 3-Rail - 2-Car 70 ft Streamlined Slpr/Diner Passenger Set (Smooth Sided) - Milwaukee Road (MILW) - (Red/Orange) (SKU 507-2066284)

Available On: May 1, 2017


The lightweight, streamlined passenger car was a product of the Great Depression. While the heavyweight steel cars built in the teens and 1920s were dependable and often luxurious, their dark colors and solid, battleship-like exteriors did little to lift the spirits at a time when the entire nation needed a pick-me-up. As noted railroad historian John H. White, Jr. put it in The American Railroad Passenger Car, "Some hope during these gloomy years was offered by a new design concept called streamlining. It presented a sleek, modern image of speed and innovation. What had been an obscure technical term in aerodynamics was made into a household word through an astute publicity campaign mounted by severalrailroad traffic departments. It succeeded in creating a general interest in railroading practically unknown since the opening of the first transcontinental line. According to Railway Age, 'For the first time in many years, the words 'sold out' re-entered the ticket clerk's vocabulary.'"

$199.95 US