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Micro-Mark - All Scales - Tools - Hot Wire Foam Factory Foam Sculpting Tool (SKU 109-87633)



If You Can Imagine It, You Can Create It – With Hot Wire Foam Factory Cutting And Sculpting Tools

#87633 Sculpting Tool Foam cutting tool for freehand sculpting, carving and scroll cutting. One of the most crucial foam shaping tools today, thanks to its versatility. The arms pivot for making negative cuts, or can be held taut for scroll cutting.

Requires our #87636 Variable-Heat Pro Power Supply, available separately.*

Unleash your creativity! There has never been an easier way to sculpt anything, from scale model railroads scenery, to 1-to-1 architectural elements to larger-than-life-size dragons, animals and more. With these easy-to-use tools, inexpensive, ordinary light-weight foam can be cut, shaped and transformed into virtually anything you can dream up. Used by movie studios, museums, world-renowned attractions, theme parks, architects, artists and more, chances are you've seen, touched or were amazed by something crafted with these tools. There has never been a quicker, more cost-effective way to bring your vision to reality. And, with our variety of finishing products, the pieces you create can even be made to withstand the elements outdoors.


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