Columbus Trainmaster - Z Scale - Cheslatta Forest Products Ltd (Burns Lake, BC ) - 4 tier wrapped FULL loads (for Red Caboose centerbeam cars) (SKU 301-72027Z)
Available On: April 1, 2016

The Cheslatta Carrier Nation office is based at Southbank, on the south shore of Francois Lake, 23 kilometres south of Burns Lake British Columbia.
the Cheslatta nation is guided by their members and governed by a Chief and two Councillors. Current Chief Corrina Leween works with Councillors Hazel Burt and Janet Whitford, and a dynamic team of Cheslatta staff to provide services and support to Cheslatta members. They also work with governments and industry on matters of importance to the nation.
The Cheslatta Carrier Nation owns several businesses including the Pondosy Bay Resort, Cheslatta Marine Services, Cheslatta Logging and others which provide employment for members and revenues to support the nation.
A First Nation Builds a Forestry Future from the Ashes of the Past
By Amanda Follett Hosgood
…In August 2018 — the worst fire season on record … three-quarters of the Cheslatta Community Forest was lost….with a $1.25-million grant from B.C.’s Forest Enhancement Society to log and rehabilitate burned forests, the Cheslatta Carrier Nation hopes that some of the timber and economic opportunities damaged by the fires can be salvaged. Already, logging is underway in burned areas of the Cheslatta Community Forest, where timber harvest wouldn’t otherwise have been economically feasible, creating jobs for the community and spinoffs across the region. The work is being done with a view to creating healthy forests, speeding up regeneration and reducing carbon emissions by ensuring waste wood is used rather than burned. It’s also reducing the risk that fire could consume more of Southside’s forests. The partnership is a step toward correcting a history of mistrusting the provincial government by local residents.
These loads are based on the logging from the Cheslatta Community Forest.
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$10.00 US
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